Lauren Hilger received a BA from New York University and an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. She is the author of Lady Be Good (CCM, 2016) and Morality Play (Poetry NW Editions, 2022). Named a Nadya Aisenberg Fellow in poetry from MacDowell, she has also received fellowships from the Hambidge Center and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her work has appeared in BOMB, Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, The Threepenny Review, Poetry Foundation's online archive, NEA's Poetry Out Loud, and elsewhere. She serves as a poetry editor for No Tokens.

We are a volunteer staff of women, queer, trans*, and non-binary individuals who, in 2012, envisioned a journal that would diversify the landscape of published works and push back on the hierarchical status quo. We made it, and we’re still here. All of the writers on our masthead read and edit across—and outside of—genres, delighting in the fresh sensibilities and noticings of one another. We remain steadfast in our perennial commitment to the humans, artists, and creators behind the work we publish. Long after New York City’s subway turnstiles swapped hole-punched coins for MetroCards in 2003, the blinking letters still read No Tokens. We are here to hold the past with the present, to nurture an anti-racist, anti-colonial future.
We are here to keep stories alive. We are paying attention.